Home Sweet Home

Nerves struck me like lightning. I, Madelyn Grace, was nervous to see my boyfriend, whom I had known for my whole life.

Our parents had been best friends growing up, and we’ve lived next to each other our whole lives. When we were little, we would spend every waking moment together.

So why the _hell_ was I _nervous_?

I honestly couldn’t answer that. Maybe it’s because I haven’t seen him in almost a year. After Ethan got a full ride to the University of Georgia, he had to move into the dorms for his freshman year. After that, he didn’t see any need to move back.

We had decided to have a long distance relationship. It worked out really well because he had a lot of holidays and always came back for his birthday.

So there I was. Sitting on a bench outside of the airport to surprise him. I guess I was worried about how he’d react. He’d been texting me the whole plane ride, so I knew he didn’t know.

I took a deep breath to relax and watched has the snow fell softly to the ground. It was quite beautiful. It always intrigued me, how every snowflake looked the same, but completely different at the same time.

My phone pinged and I looked down to see a text from his mom.


_He landed!_

Excitement bubbled up inside me as I read and reread the text over and over again. I knew it would take some time to go through baggage, so I settled down and throught about what I was gonna say to him she. I saw him.

Eventually, I spotted a bright blue jacket walking through the crowd. I suddenly didn’t care what he thought. It was like my mind had narrowed in on one specific task: get to him.

“Ethan!” I shouted. I took off in a full sprint towards him. He looked around quizzically, shaking snow from his brown hair.

He finally heard my feet slapping against the pavement and the crowd moving out of my way. A grin broke out on his face and my heart almost burst.

_God, I love him._

I dropped my bag, barely even slowing as I tackled him. I was astonished to few tears coming down my cheeks as I wrapped my arms and legs around him.

You know that feeling, the one when you’re coming home after a long trip and it just feels _right? _Thats_ _what this was.

I was home at last.

[Hey! I’ve been watching the news and I hope everyone who got stuck in the hurricane is safe! 🩵]

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