Submitted by Ash

You are transformed into your favourite animal for the day.

What does their world look like?

It’s a Wolf’s Life

Sniffing the air, preparing the next hunt

From the den I hear my pups’ whines

I bare my teeth and let out a grunt

As in the sky the full moon shines.

Outside I join my faithful pack

We howl to strengthen our bond

Of our next prey we have found track

And to our instincts we have to respond.

Off we run, fast as the speed of light

To our prey our presence is veiled

We ambush, tear down and bite

Until its last breath is exhaled.

After we feed, it’s time to go back

My pups need this precious food

This wasn’t a relentless attack

It’s all done for the common good.

As a new day dawns

Now my pups want to play

We’re tired and drowsy with yawns

But for them we’ll go out of our way.

Suddenly I prick up my ears

What’s that noise I just heard?

I’m invaded by many fears

Pups back to den, the pack is stirred.

A mother bear walks past with her little one

We may be enemies but she’s now no threat

Relieved I sigh, no reason to run

They walk away and we soon forget.

Now I’m tired and need to sleep

Later we can resume our play

The forest plunges in silence deep

As I let myself drift away.

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