You sit down at your cozy desk to try to push through writer's block, but the only inspiration you have is your cat...
Now, from reading this story's title, you are probably thinking… is this man a drunk? Well, I guess you could call me that. I’ve finished my 3rd glass, and things are starting to feel a bit wonky. Wavy. Maybe wavy is a better word. The funny thing is, though, my cat also has the same name as this title. And now you probably think you are sure of it. “He must be a drunk,” is that what you're thinking right now? Well, hell, who cares what you think, huh? You don’t know me.
Anyway, I’m tired of sitting here and waiting for award-winning stories to flood themselves on this page. I’m just going to warm up here and see what’s happening. Pretty much all I have here is my cat; there is nothing else worth writing about. I'm Telling you… nada.
Well, anyway, Let’s see, he's got a brown striped coat with dots on his belly. A skewered look stapled on his protruding browline. His mouth tilted downwards in a cute but unapproachable way. Anyone looking at him would probably stay away, but I know he is just a little fluff ball. Wouldn’t hurt a fly!
I found him in a bin, and I didn't really like that name for him. I greeted him, and the first thing he did was sniff my whiskey bottle. The rest was history.
Well, there's a story… always one to be found somewhere, I guess…