Why I Left

Everything changed

The world has changed

And with change comes resistance.

When She died

He couldn’t handle

The sudden change

And so everything changed.

He would spit fire,

Breathing fire

His words were fire

The fire would touch my face

and gift me tears

And the flames would rise

And burn my dreams

And reduce my hopes to


When she left

We both grieved

Of course we grieved

How couldn’t we grieve?

Who wouldn’t grieve

When someone like Her

Was whisked away?

Though I couldn’t grieve,

Not well at the least

Because His grief

Singed his heart.

He couldn’t have

His form of grief

Without being cruel

And pausing my grief.

So although that was home,

I had to leave.

How could I live

In a house on fire?

And although my leaving

May break his heart

And turn the heat up higher,

I couldn’t take it

When the flames would punish me

For something that wasn’t my fault.

And so His fire

And the immediate change

Made that place unlivable.

His actions made that home into

Merely a house full of things I once knew.

And I have nothing left for me in this town

If I burn this bridge

Using His fire.

And so I take my things,

However burned they may be,

And take my remains of grief,

And my ashy remains of whatever is left

From before He spit fire

And before She left,

And everything changed,

And I ran and I ran

Into the night.

I may forgive him

In the far future,

But for now I will leave

And find a real home.

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