"Everybody wants to judge, but nobody wants to listen."

Write about a character who is going through a typically stigmatised situation. As an added challenge, try to write from the perspective of the opposite gender to yourself.

Story of a girl

I felt the tears run down my face.

What would happen now?

I looked up and saw everyone staring.

Daniel looked mortified as he sank to the back of the crowd.


The one boy I had a crush on, of course.

A teacher came rushing through the hall.

“Miss Adaline, I’m sorry but we cannot accept this behavior. I’m calling your mother, come.”

I bowed my head as I followed her out of the room.


For the fourth time this week, I had burst out crying for no reason.

Anytime I tried to talk to someone the same thing happened.

Now nobody would like me.

I would get the silent treatment.

I didn’t like it this way, of course, but what else could I do?

My family wouldn’t listen,

my friends wouldn’t listen,


The only person I had to talk to was my journal.

I kept all of my feelings and secrets in there.

All the things I went through, every challenge every problem… everything.

When I reached home, I threw myself into writing what had happened.

I know what you’re thinking.

_”Well couldn’t you just let them read your journal?”_

Not that simple.


2. Most of what I write only I would understand, it’s so hard to put emotions into words!

3. No one would voluntarily read that stuff.

So there I was.


With no one to talk to, and nothing I could do.

Everyone judging, but nobody listening.

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