Write a scene or short anecdote about a character who works with young children as part of their job.

Children offer a huge amount of creativity and humour in daily life – what is it like for someone who works with them for a living?

Gettin Through

Oh, how I hate working on the holidays. November all the way through New Years is the most painful time of the year. I know I’m supposed to be all jolly, especially working in kids clothing at a rather large department store with benefits, but man, it’s sheer pain.

I will say, the pay is great, I do overtime, and I simply keep my eye on the paycheck prize. Working on commission helps, and that is my sole motivator for getting out of bed in the morning.

It was the week before Christmas, and a frazzled mom walked into my section with her daughter, who I’m guessing was about five. I love the frazzled moms because I can just let them rant, not say too much, and they always buy a lot out of desperation. It’s a little secret I’ve discovered. Just nod sympathetically, ooh and ahh at their kid, and they love you.

So this mom started talking about her little one needing a new dress for Christmas Eve. Something about big family event, yada yada yada.

I walk her to our dresses. Then, the daughter, who I quickly learned was named Marjorie, started talking. And never stopped.

“Mommy has a baby in her belly. She doesn’t want Grandma and Grandpa and Grandma and Grandpa to know because she said it’s too early and they’ll bug here too much. She didn’t tell me that, but I heard her telling it to Daddy. I can tell you because you don’t know Grandma and Grandpa and Grandma and Grandpa.” (Looks at me) “ But if you do meet Grandma and Grandpa and Grandma and Grandpa, please don’t tell them I said anything. Mommy would kill me and not let me have ice cream for dessert. And I LIVE for ice cream. It’s the only reason to eat dinner. Chocolate chocolate chip is the best! With lots of chips. Like extra chips. Extra chips make my teeth get all black. That’s the best part. Do you like chocolate chocolate chip? It’s the best! Do you like when your teeth get all black? It’s so much fun. Mommy wants me to look extra special at the party so Grandma and Grandpa and Grandma and Grandpa don’t notice her chubby belly because I’m so pretty with a pretty dress. But my teeth will be all black! It’s just the best.”

The mom grabbed three overpriced party dresses and threw them on the counter.

“I’ll take these,” she said. That was it.

I just love my job.

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