flames of a spark
There is a small space wedged between reality and death, teetering off the edge of our dimension like a glass cup daring to fall off the edge of a table.
The quiet space has been a home to me for as long as I can remember, an endless horizon of diamond blue speckled with bolts of lightning. Although they are sizzling with heat, they don’t dare to come near.
Although I am nearly always alone, small beings of water droplets graced with chubby-like faces greet me with a splash of rain, laughter echoing.
Come play with us! I see myself in their wide, curious eyes as they splash down the clearings. My heart aches at the nostalgia, remembering my final memory before drifting off. My rainboots marching across muddy asphalt. The sun setting like a red beacon. My mother screaming hysterically before the impact of a car sent me soaring sideways, my world fading to black. And then I was here.