I would be anything for you.

Write a non-romantic poem which contains this line.

Ballad Of Visci

Flames lick upon my soul

As I betray those I hold close

To praise, worship, extol

You my king I shall unclose.

Betrayal and strife I interpose

For gifted anger is how I grew

My ambitious might deepens my woes

For I would be anything for you.

Your spirit, the prince hath stole

His aims I shall expose

The thrown be his final goal.

As blessed kin arise your foes,

The onyx plot we wish compose

The feathered reign be born anew.

My strength and will I now propose

For I would be anything for you.

The heat of trust but a coal

Forsaken by your own primrose

Seats of power we wish control

Track the beast, The One Who Knows.

Shagged fur and teeth erose

The only one that holds the clue

May your son and I be juxtapose

For I would be anything for you.

My fury none shall depose

Your honor I wish to accrue.

Praise be my Lord of Crows

For I would be anything for you.

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