The Figure In The Mirror

The tap screeches as I turn it on drowning my toothbrush in its path and circling round the sink until it’s final doom down the plug. I start to brush my teeth cautiously, always checking the reflection in the mirror. My leg was tapping like a nervous heartbeat against the tiled floor. I can’t tell whether I’m dreaming.

The gun in my hand matches the rhythm of my leg and heart as my hand trembles and it shakes against the hollow basin. My fingers grasp desperately against the trigger as I try not to think about my dreams. I could be in one now

I bend down to was my mouth out and drop my toothbrush in the pot, I lean over to wipe my mouth and come back to the mirror. Horror consumes me at once. He is there in the mirror. His cold, wicked eyes staring through my soul. Then… he’s not, he’s gone again, there is no one in the mirror, I was just imagining it.

As I blink, again my world glitches and I see the figure behind my reflection. He approaches. Without second thought I spin, clench my eyes and shoot the satan sent monster. One, two, three shots I send through that rippled body.

Cautiously I open my eyes. he’s not there. All that are left are three gun shots sent through my bathroom door. I look around to maybe find him but I full well know that it was all in my head. It was all in my head. These nightmares are getting too realistic.

I grab the hair band on the sink and tie my messy sweaty hair into a quick bun. As I lean against the wall of the bathroom and sink to the floor I feel overwhelmed, nothing can help this anymore. For a while I cry, letting the emotions flush away down my face. Nothing can help me now. What can anyone do? Nothing. “This can’t go on” I think. I place the gun against my temple .

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