Inspired by Bri loves apples

Your 'emotions' are people living inside your body, who react to the situations you experience to ultimately decide how you feel about things.

Write a story where these 'emotions' are reacting to something you are experiencing. You could write it like a dialogue, or as a narrative of what they're doing to decide which emotion you feel.

We Are Her Emotions

I’m anger and I wear black. I do Nathalie’s bitching, nagging, harping, letting people have a load full

I’m her Sadness. I cry more than you bitch.

I’m her tears. She feels better when she releases me. She has a lot to be sad over.

Wait! I’m her anxiety I’ve been around the longest. When Nathalie got multiple sclerosis she wore me out. She needs me but tires because she’s ridiculously sensitive and fragile.

Hold it. I’m Nathalie’s lust. She likes me best.

I bring Nathalie pleasure. I’m tired of all of you. I’m her beauty, her warmth, her fantasies , her kisses and hugs, dancing and studying men, and oh my, I’m there when she makes love.

As Natalies’s anger, what are you feelings talking about? I was there the night she dropped the watermelon in the driveway then blew up when her husband came home. Believe me, I appear at least once a week!!

Where’s her lust and joy, when I walk out on stage? Tell me, you silly useless feelings?

Go play in the street. Find a busy street.

No no no!!! I’m her fear. I was there first. I was already born when a rooster jumped all over her. She was only two. Nathalie still fears feathers. And I was there when she had agoraphobia. I consumed Natalie. In time she had to wipe me out. Now I make sense… like I am the part that creates her empathy for others who were abused or treated unfairly. I suppose anger will interrupt.

Hush!!! I am Nathalie’s empathy. Forget anger, greed, envy, sorrow. Even lust. I am the one who led her to become a child therapist. I am the part of her that cares so deeply for others. When she behaves I’m in control. I must admit, she has a few smelly issues. On the other hand she has a balanced ego. Thanks to me. She will give you the shirt you wear, straight off her back. Or the shoes you walk in, straight from her cold feet. Seems her feet either sweat or freeze.

Stop it, all of you. I am the judge in Nathalie and I’m talking to all of You, her feelings — Anger, sadness, fear, guilt, anxiety, lust, and envy You need to settle down. Nathalie is a survivor. She’s faced death-1unafraid, abandonment, fighting, infertility, serious illness.Yet she loves life. . I might not be a typical feeling, but I am her faith, her resilience, her optimism . I keep Nathalie believing in better times and accepting what is, even when she’s jealous. { It looks like jealousy isn’t joining us today What a relief. ) As faith, I’m putting a ban on all of you. Everyone agree? Let’s vote for agreeing.

Faith speaks. The vote for agreeing is unanimous . As faith, I knew I could trust you to settle this. There’s a time and place for you. This meeting is closed. Let’s give her peace for tonight. Tomorrow is soon enough to hear from you, her wad of feelings.

Goodnight. Be at peace so Nathalie can sleep.

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