For an entire day, whatever you want to say, you just can't get those words out properly.

Write a scene where this dilema is making a situation awkward.

Words on Paper

Words don’t come to me in real life

I falter, I stumble

I think of what could have been said

The shampoo bottles will tell you

Words aren’t easy for me in real life

I can’t say a full sentence

Multiple clauses

Proper old English

Words evade me in real life

I stay quiet while you wait

Tick, tock


Words are evil in real life

They scratch and tear

I can’t seem to filter out

All that bad

Words jump around me in real life

Like fleas, laughing in my face

Ha! Ha! Ha!

They don’t go near my mouth

Words on paper

Flow like water

Crystal clear

Silky smooth

I’m so much stronger



With words on paper.

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