
The little boy ran up to the cage at the zoo.

“Mommy! Mommy, look!” The little boy pointed inside the cage.

“Yes, I see.” The mom smiled “Do you know what animal it is?”

“A monkey!” The boy exclaimed.

“That’s right! Good job.” The mom paused. “Hey, buddy. Mommy has to go to the bathroom. Can you wait here for a couple minutes?” She asked.

“Yeah.” He said.

“Ok I’ll be back.” The mom left.

Now it was just the boy and the monkeys.

The boy looked into the cage to get a better look. One specific monkey The boy stared that monkey down. He was a bit larger than the rest and he was making direct eye contact with the boy. They kept staring at each other for quite some time until-

“Monke.” It said.

The boy squealed in terror and ran to his mom.

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