Your protagonist hates camping, but begins to see some of its highlights when they are forced on a camping trip with friends.
You could focus on the character's internal monologue, or you could reframe the way you decribe the setting and scenarios to show the character's changing feelings.
My Mum
{17 January 2009}
Dear diary ,
I can’t believe I’m doing this my mum forced me to. Ok breathe Daisy.Tomorrow I go to summer camp I have dreaded this day for 6 years I hate the out doors it is so ………….dirty .But however my little brother Johnathan loves it . All I want to do is stay at home with my cat ,watch tv and eat Cheetos  . Signing of Daisy xx.
{18 January 2009}
Dear diary,
Today I arrived at summer camp this the worlds most boring place ever I did make friends with a girl called Ivy she is really nice.We made a fire and had marshmallows so now I stink of smoke and I burnt my marshmallows .Why did my mum have to send me here.😡 I hate her .
For lunch we had some sort of disgusting slop.Anyway I’ve got to go to bed it’s pathetic its only 8:00 .Signing of Daisy xx.
{19 January 2009}
Dear dairy,
Hello,today Ivy woke me at 6:00 because they had brownies at the cafeteria I could not believe my eyes she wasn’t lying .Today wasn’t so bad after all . First we all went On a massive swing and swung higher than the building in front of us . Then me and Ivy went climbing i was so high it was amazing. I’m really tired so now I’m of to bed .Singning of Daisy xx .
{20 January 2009}
Dear diary,
Today i go home I really don’t want to go .I will fill you in on what i did today though .Me and Ivy when over a pool fulll of piranhas it was so scary .That’s all i really did today . I’m going to bed now signing of Daisy xx.