Missed Arrow

Amber is an anti-cupid. She was doing her job, breaking up couples, as usual. A smile appeared on her face after the couple she just shooted started to argue.

Suddenly, she felt something pierce her heart. Her black hair fell over her shoulders as she felt a strange sensation unfamiliar to anything she had ever felt.

It made Amber feel all tingle-y inside, the feeling called love. She looked up to see her enemy, a cupid, Benjamin. He was trying to shoot someone else, but missed and shot Amber instead.

"I messed up so bad." He grumbled to himself, staring at her with his dark eyes.

He really had messed up, he shot her with his arrow. Amber was in love with him now. She was in love with her own enemy.

"What did you do?!" The girl's voice could be heard by Benjamin. "Did you just shot me?"

"I- uh..." He looked away. He was stuttering and a nervous wreck. "I may or may have not shot you with my arrow... By accident."

They looked at each other in silence for seconds that looked like long minutes before Amber let out a scream.

"Oh, shut up! I said it was an accident!" Benjamin put his hands on his hips and walked up to her, his face glowing red. "And who's fault is it that you looked at me, huh!?"

"How could I NOT look at the person who just shot me?" She said avoiding eye contact.

He grumbled and pinched the bridge of his nose, slightly frustrated. Benjamin stared at Amber, looking her up and down. "Why do you have to look this beautiful when you're mad anyways?"

She paused, looking at him as confused as ever by the sudden compliment. "What do you even mean by that?!"

"Nothing! I didn't mean anything!" He was taken aback at his own words, having spoken without thinking.

Amber sighed, not looking at Benjamin for a moment. Just then, she remembered the old technique for when things like this could happen.

It wasn't common for a cupid to miss an arrow, but when it happened, not even the anti-cupid bow could fix that. There was only one way.

A true hate's kiss. Only kissing your enemy could break the curse.

But, look at Benjamin! His long white hair that smelled so good, his dark eyes like a curious temple, and his thin, tall body... Everything was so perfect that it made Amber hate him.

Was an anti-cupid really about to kiss a cupid?

Amber approaches him. "Benjamin, I need you to close your eyes." Her red face only centimeters away from his.

"Don't tell me you're really about to do that..." Sounds like he knows what is she thinking. "... Be quick about this..."

She mumbled, her face only an inch away from his, Amber leaned down slightly and suddenly her soft lips were on Benjamin's, kissing him.

He stared at Amber for a moment, his heart still racing. He was speechless and still trying to process what she did. He never in his life thought he would ever kiss an anti-cupid, but here he was.

Benjamin let his arms drop, glaring at Amber as the red on his face only got darker. He hated the fact she was an anti-cupid, his enemy, and yet he was still falling for her.

As Amber finally pulls away, her blue eyes stares at Benjamin for too long, blushing, they both didn't knew what to say.

The only thing is: It didn't work.

Amber was still in love. All of that because of a missed arrow.

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