Write a fantasy story based around the last message you sent to a friend.

The Fantasy genre typically contains magic, supernatural or mythological elements.

The Letter

It was the most important question in the world.

What the question was exactly, I hadn’t a clue.

But according to the Black Knightβ€” whom had sent me on his best horse to deliver the message directly to the kingβ€” it was important.

So I rode through wind, rain, storms, and snow upon a horse while I held the message tightly in my hand as to defend it with all my life.I felt as though I needed to do anything to deliver the message, but in reality, the message had probably been somewhat unimportant or the Black Knight would have delivered himself.

Still, though, I rode. At least until last night.

I was traveling up a snowy mountain when I ran into a traveler.

β€œHello,” he simply said in a friendly manner, β€œWhat brings you here so late at night?”

I knew better than to tell him about the letter for the kingβ€”you never know who you can truly trust, especially not right awayβ€” so I simply replied, β€œI’m off to deliver a message.” Not quite stating who I was delivering it to.

The man simply smiled. β€œWell, then,” he began. β€œYou best be on your way.” He smiled as he waved his hand slightly in the air to signal goodbye. I returned his goodbye with a slight smile.

After an hour or two, I couldn’t tell for I had lost track of time, I decided to set up my small camp for the night. I placed the letter carefully under a bag I had been carrying as I went off to collect firewood.

When I returned, the bag was lying across the other end of my small camp. _Oh no. _I couldn’t help but panic as I searched through the content of the bag frantically. Not here, not there, not anywhere. The letter was gone. But how?

My mind went back to the friendly old man. Could he have followed up here plotting and waiting to steal the letter? It was possible. But why would he do that? I guess it didn’t matter. There was only one thing to do and that was the letter.

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