You live in a world where you get a magical power at a certain age. The older you are when you get the power, the stronger it is.

Try to write from the perspective of an older or younger character than yourself, considering the scale of their powers and how they fit into this fantasy world.


Intro: Welcome to the magical world of Aurelia! A few fun facts about well…. Aurelia!

1. Once a person is the ages of ‘1-3’ they’re powers will begin to devolp, the older they get the more powerful they’re powers get.

2. If both parents have the same powers “Ex: Invisiblity”, the kid will get that power as well. But if parents have different powers “Ex: Mom; Flying Dad; Teleportaion” the kids powers will randomize.

3. Every 100 years a person(girl or boy) will get multiple powers, once this person turns 19 they will be given a chose- become the ruler for as long as they live(each one of the people lives exactly 100 years)or- lose all but one of there powers. If they chose the second option another person will be chosen, and this person has no option to refuse.

Now that you know the most important bits about Aurelia, I’m going to tell you about me, but let me tell you this story is not about me but someone I know; My name is Amie Brown, and I’m 87 years old. Almost the end of my time here. My power is being able to control objects with my mind, it first happened when I was 26 months old.. or so I was told. This is how I was told the story went (My mom told me this but im still gonna try and say what happened from what would have been my perspective). “I really really want a donut! So I screamed ‘DONUT’ in my highest whinest begginest ear persingist scream I could. Mom said “No, we eat treats after dinner” and put the donuts on the fridge.(Oh by the way my moms power is the ability to fly). I got so so mad, and began throwing a full on tantrum. I thought very hard how I wish I could just open that box, and just get a donut to me. Then the box opened and a donut floated into my hand! I was so happy!”. So that’s the amazing story of how I got my powers.

But todays story focuses on my sisters daughter. This will be about my niece. I was 27 when she was born, and my sister was 21. My sisters ability was to be able to feel what others are feeling. This can sometimes be good. Other times not so much. This was a good time, her husband was their and with her ability instead of feeling the pain of birth she felt his excitement. Other bad times is when she saw me scrape my knee, when I was 12, she was only 4 and couldn’t fully control her powers. So she ended up feeling my pain by accident. Anyways, my niece Lily was born. By the time Lily was 1 and 1/2 she was very different from kids around her age. She had three close baby friends, one was using the same power I have(I take pride in knowing how to teach her mom to help with it and helping her control it). The other one was making the water sway in the bath before anything was in their(controlling water), and the last one was able to jump 5 feet up(This is an early sign of flight). At this time Lily didn’t do anything with powers, usually this means she would be less powerful but we were so wrong.

Fast forward a few years, she is 6 now. Everyone knows she can lift heavy objects(super strength) and it was a proud ability she had. One day I noticed she had unusually good balance, but saw bruises on her shoulder. At the time it didn’t seem big but it really was. A few days later I was hanging out with her, I remember her jumping and doing the motions thinking she was trying to be like her grandma. I was very wrong. Suddenly she flew. I was very confused. Then I remembered something in the news, the current ruler was 87. She was 13 years from dying. My niece was 13 years from that choice if it were her. That’s when I realized it was her. She was the chosen one.

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