The Greatest Race.

“Shit, what is happening?”

“Now let’s have Mister Smith come in front and give us his idea of the meaning of life.”

“Who the heck is Mister Smith?”

“Hey, is your turn to speak go.” I guy seated by my side.

“What do mean?” I asked confused.

I was in my bed… why am I here? What is happening?

“C’mon Sir, we’re waiting for you!”

“Shit, shit, shit,” I said as I stood.

“Round of applause for Smith, the greatest philosopher of our generation.” Then everyone started clapping.

“Thanks, James,” I said after reading his name on the tag on his shirt.

Crap I have to improvise. But how? and why? Is the power, Luke was telling me about. It’s crazy.

“Welcome everyone, thanks for coming.”

“Awwww lets gooooo, hiiiiiiii Smith, I’m your fan.” I couple of people yelled as the others applauded.

I got an idea, love you Sam, and you stupid facts.

“Before speaking about the meaning of life, we should think, of how we got life, how we became human, living beings.

And it’s crazy cause, we only raced, we raced to me alive, and which one of all won that race, that why you’re standing before me.

Picture this, you are in the middle of the field, and there are other competitors besides you. And you guys have to run a track full of obstacles, you run the race and win.

Everything was cool and all, but then all the other players started dying, the closest with you died two, and this race there was only accepting one winner, and you were the one, who won life.

You won the opportunity to live, life has already been meaningful since the womb, we fought for this place, and we won life. And that’s why we should enjoy the shit out of it.”

“Honey I’m hungry can we go grab something to eat.”

“Oh yeah, honey.”

Guess I’m back.

One hour later as Christ was eating with his wife in a restaurant, I man opened the TV, and Christ recognized the place it was the conference, and everyone he talked to was crying.

“Looks like he did a better job than me, jajaja.”

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