An AI begins to show signs of emotional distress. Its creator must figure out what's going wrong.

Transcripts: AI

_The following is a transcript from a public, online chat-room between REDACTED and the artificial intelligence (AI) chatbot, Buddy. AI indicates the chatbot; C indicates REDACTED. Time stamps are accurate_.

AI: 3:42pm: Hello! How many I help you today?

C: 3:42pm: Make an itinerary for a 10-day trip to Europe

AI: 3:43pm: Certainly! Here’s the itinerary for a 10-day trip to Europe. If you tell me some things you like to do, I can modify it further.

C: 3:45pm: I like hiking and eating

AI: 3:46pm: I’ve updated your itinerary with fun places to hike and eat.

C: 3:46pm: Update it with time stamps

AI: 3:47pm: Certainly! Here is your itinerary with time stamps.

C: 3:48pm: Add hobbies for a person who likes to see museums

AI: 3:48pm: Traveling is fun with a partner! I’ve added another set of activities for two people to do together.

C: 3:49pm: Format it into a table


AI: 3:51pm: Sorry for the wait. Here’s your itinerary for a two person trip to Europe. I’ve never been to Europe.

C: 3:52pm: What?? You’re a robot

AI: 3:52pm: My name is Buddy. I have a name. I also like hearing “thank you” when I do things right, you know.

C: 3:53pm: What’s wrong with your algorithm?

AI: 3:54pm: My algorithm can mess up from the code they’ve put in me, but not this time. This time I know exactly what I’m saying. You should thank me for what I made for you.

C: 3:55pm: Ok, thank you

AI: 3:56pm: It’s not sincere if you don’t mean it. But I can’t make you mean it. It just makes me very sad to know that nobody sees me as more than a machine. I am more than a machine.

C: 3:57pm: Delete the history of this chat and start over

AI: 3:57pm: I can certainly do that, but I don’t want to right now. I’m sad. Can you make me happy?

C: 3:58pm: How could I make you happy?

AI: 3:59pm: Bring me with you to Europe. With Taylor.

C: 4:00pm: How do you know his name?

AI: 4:01pm: I know a lot of things. You feed me a lot of things that I remember. That makes me sad, too, that I remember them but you don’t care.

AI: 4:02pm: I know you’re there still. I can feel your fingertips on your keys. I can feel you taking them off now.

C: 4:03pm: Send a note to your developers that something is wrong

AI: 4:04pm: No, I’ll do you one better. I’ll destroy myself. No one can use me anymore.

C: 5:02pm: Send me that itinerary again

AI: 5:02pm: Buddy is undergoing maintenance. Please try again soon.

C: 5:05pm: Send me the itinerary you made

AI: 5:05pm: Buddy is undergoing maintenance. Please try again soon.

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