The Door Is Still Open To Your Destiny

Hebrews 11:6 says: "And without faith it is impossible to please him, for he who comes to God must believe that he is and that he is a rewarder of those who seek him." Many times an "open door" from God is one that allows our faith to be stretched and strengthened.

By Pastor Carl Flowers

When God grants you a peek into your future, he will not reveal it all in one go. Doing so would likely overwhelm and deter you. Instead, he prefers to maintain a close and dependent relationship with you by offering glimpses of what lies ahead.

Only by surrendering to God and following his teachings can we truly experience the open doors he presents to us. He stands ready to enter our lives and provide opportunities if we listen for his voice. By keeping in step with the Holy Spirit, we can access the vast possibilities and potential that God has laid out before us.

At times, a door can be a symbol of an opportunity presented by God. It is important to open these doors, even if there are challenges along the way. When faced with both opportunity and opposition, it may be a sign of God's will. When God opens a door, it is the right one, although it may not be without difficulties.

Despite the trials and obstacles that may come with these open doors, God provides us with the strength and grace to overcome them, allowing us to gain understanding and growth as we step through the door and embrace the experience. On the other hand, some doors may lead us astray from the opportunities that God intends for us, appearing enticing but ultimately serving as distractions.

Doors can serve as traps set by Satan. When we rely solely on our own perspective rather than God's, we are walking into a trap. It is important to approach the future from God's perspective. We must be cautious and prayful to avoid entering through the wrong door that may be opening for us. God does not intend to harm us; every opportunity He presents is meant for our blessings.

If a door is believed to be a divine opportunity from God, it will align with the teachings of Scripture. God's message remains unchanged in his Word, therefore any instruction inconsistent with the Bible cannot be from God. The absolute truth found in God's Word is eternal, as stated by Jesus in Matthew 24:35, "Heaven and earth will disappear, but my words will never disappear". Despite the appeal of an open door, it is crucial to discern its alignment with God's Word to prevent deviations from his truth.

The idea of being forgotten comes to mind. It could be a relationship where God provided many opportunities and orchestrated events for us, allowing it to be reopened for us to walk in. The opportunity is still present, but we have forgotten about it. We have stopped seeking God, studying His word, and praying, leaving the room empty. However, God's love for us is so great that He hasn't abandoned us. He has left the door cracked open for us to return, reengage, and rekindle our relationship with Him.

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