Daddy, You Got Mad Today

Daddy, you got mad today

I saw it on your face

Your anger transported you

To another time and place

I was scared, really scared

I hid under the bed

I didn’t want to make things worse

You were seeing bright red

Daddy, you got mad today

You made me feel so small

Some days I wonder

If you truly even love me at all

You raised your voice

And you picked up a can of pop

You threw it at my head

And it made my stomach drop

Daddy, you got mad today

You threw me on the floor

I said a naughty word

You said that’s what you did it for

The tile smacked my face

And I started to cry

I told you I was sorry

But you said it was a lie

Daddy, you got mad today

I didn’t eat all of my food

You shoved it down my throat

Until I was choking and sobbing too

I grabbed your hands

It was getting hard to breathe

I’m scared of you, Daddy

Please just stop and let me be

Daddy, you got mad today

I covered it up again

The bruises, cuts, and handprints

You’re the reason I don’t trust men

The thing about it is

I’m not sure which one is worse

The pain from all the beatings

Or when you scream and yell and curse

Daddy, you got mad today

I guess it’s nothing new

They diagnosed me with PTSD

They said I have it because of you

I only hope that when I grow up

And have kids that are my own

I don’t turn into a monster

And show the cruelty you have shown

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