
Submitted by B.R.T

Your character has discovered an ancient burial ground. They hear a familiar voice from the shadows.

Write about the voice calling from the shadows.

The Last Mummy

I must have fallen out of the cruise ship washing up ashore because I have no recollection as to how I ended up on the side of the Nile River. How would I call for help or even find my tourist group...wait scratch that. I can’t even get up my head is spinning. But my best bet is to get as far away from here as possible, I mean after all I don’t wanna find out if there is still crocodiles. I peer out into the darkness that is endless, I can’t see anything beyond the sand dunes. Well my options are die here from a crocodile attack or die from the harsh conditions of the desert. But I suppose I have more luck of finding someone out there.

As I walked for what felt like hours I slumped down onto the soft sad. “Ouch”, maybe it’s not soft after all. I wipe away the sand as I see a wooden trap door underneath. This is just odd, a random door in the middle of nowhere. I really should keep walking but the curiosity is killing me, plus I can seek shelter here until I find some help. Opening the trap door I see absolutely nothing, well that’s comforting. But it’s better than staying up here, these winds are really picking up.

I descend the ladder and safely land my feet. But as soon as I take a step I bang into a sharp object. Well that’s gonna bruise, but as I look up that’s the least of my worries because ahead of me I see each mirror catching the light of another until finally the room is well lit. I wonder what this room was used for, the cobwebs indicate that this has been untouched for sometime. Can’t hurt to look around, not like I have anything else better to do. Walking past each corridor I see ancient Egyptian inscriptions on the wall but I have no idea what they are saying. Who would’ve thought I spent so much money to go on a tour to stumble on what looks like something that has been uncovered since the ancient times. I shine my torch light across the walls as I continue onwards.

This next room looks different from the next, it appears as though whatever it was used for was important. There are several statues of Egyptian gods and what looks to be a throne. I walk over to the throne and learn back against the seat wondering what this would have been like. But all of a sudden the ground disappears beneath me and I fall down hard onto the surface.

This is complete darkness and I can’t even stand without hitting my head. I crawl forward until I push past a door. All of a sudden my heart completely stops, every single thing the light catches is gold. But that’s not even the weirdest part, the voice that repeats my name I’ve heard many times before.

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