Brown Eyed Boy

The window… stuck open it stays.

My thoughts…think of when him and I laid.

Intertwined in one another.

So familiar, you’d think we were long time lovers.

That darn window, I could never get it open.

Lifting and pulling, I thought it was broken.

We needed some fresh air.

After a night with his hands tangled in my hair.

I gazed upon him from my silky sheets. Watching as he tugged, until that window admitted defeat.

Creaking open, it got stuck about half way up.

Like me, it must have just needed a strong man’s touch.

Open, the window still remains.

Now I can’t shut it, even when it’s pouring rain.

Stuck, it stays.

Still to this day.

Stuck, like my thoughts are on you.

I’ll forever wonder why you withdrew.

I stare out that window, as birds fly on by.

Deeply wishing I was gazing again in those dark brown eyes.

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