Cinnamon Toast

“Get down from there right this second, you headache of a person!”

My mother’s nagging voice droned in my head as she shouted from below. She was standing outside in her robe, the crusty remains of yesterday’s makeup still clinging to her face as she held one hand above her brows shielding her eyes from the morning sun.

I sat dangling my legs over the rusted gutter of our single level home, contemplating in what way I should grant her request. Finally, I stood and dramatically spit my gum to the side before running and doing a backflip onto the lowered roof of the garage. In finale, I did a tuck and roll onto the pile of dried leaves I had raked the day before. Standing proudly, I did a little bow before flashing a frustrating grin.

My mother threw her arms in the air and yelled in exasperation, me mouthing her words along with her.

“Ugh! I swear to god Xavier! Why do you do this to me? Why cant you just do normal teenage shit?!”

“Don’t be such an NPC, mom.” I grinned and kissed her on the cheek, visibly watching as her anger melted away.

“Seriously though! You are going to give me a stroke kid.” She ruffled my hair. “Now come on. I’ve made your favorite breakfast. Cinnamon toast.”

I held the door for her. “But I wanted waffles!” I whine annoyingly and give her my best pout face.

“Boy if you don’t…!” My laughter cut her off as the door closed behind us.

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