Submitted by Skye Wander

Write a story about a character, alone in a post-apocalyptic world, who struggles to find a purpose or reason to live.

Audio Diary: Lyron, James

This is Captain James Lyron of the 2771st Tactical Strike Squad. Due to the effects of the anomaly, I’m currently unable to contact HQ and will be recording these audio messages and tagging them for auto-download just in case someone out there or out then is able to find them.

To be honest, I’m not must of a journaling type. I can barely keep up with using a day planner on a consistent basis. There have been so many times where I have bought a nice fancy three-ring day planner with some sort of nice cover image, like a super-cute puppy dressed up as a pirate, only to lose it under my bunk not even a week later with maybe a day or two of days with actual notes on them. So journaling may just work, especially if it's going to be an audio recording sort of thing.

The folks at R&D are making it happen these days. Or is it “those” days? This place, whatever it is, seems so familiar but also super-freaking alien. Like it seems like a nice day in Colorado, with the beautiful vistas and snow capped peaks, but then a group of super-intelligent rabbit-cyborgs jumps out of the bushes with plasma rifles and I’m no longer feeling that “Rocky Mountain High”.

So, I was able to bust up those cyborgs, which should be pretty obvious as I’m able to record this journal entry. It’d be pretty creepy if this was my one message from beyond the grave. When I do go, I’m not sitting around looking to moan a wrist mounted cassette-recorder. No way. I’m going to be haunting one of those fancy Las Vegas casinos. You know, the ones where you get two mints on your pillow when you check in.

Ok so I better go. Like I wasn’t a big social media person back on Earth, so I’m not really into broadcasting to puff up my ego. I feel like if I keep talking we’re going to go past the usual status check and straight into my feelings about the Dr. Magnox’s most recent haircut decision and how it makes him look like both a duck and a mop.

And that could pose a huge issue if somehow I’m able to get back home.


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