Little Closet

Sitting in the stall of the 3rd floor toilets Abby clutched her knees to her chest. The checkered tiles amusing her as she rock back and forth whilst sitting on the closed toilet. Her demeanor you would think the girl was having some horrible breakdown, but she remain noiseless, allowing herself to breathe every 30 seconds. Fixing her auburn hair out of her face as she checked her petite pastel pink tweety bird watch. Rarely did it serve a purpose beyond being a cute accessory but with her phone completely off at the moment due to noise reasons it came in clutch.

Just about 2 more minutes she thought to herself.

Luckily she had managed to scarf her lunch down quick enough to make it here and have enough prep time. And just like that she heard the stomps of 3 girls into the bathroom, their music echoing slightly out of their headphones into the confined space of the 3 stalled restroom.

“It’s just like, oh my fuck you know, like obviously I cheated, but what about it? Nobody else even did the damn assignment so at least give yourself something to grade for fucks sake,” the familar bitchy voice of Amber Biguity spoke.

“No yeah like Ms. Ward just needs to find someone to crack her spine at this point, we’re 2 months from summer it’s really not that real,” Janet Tilli responded.

Abby rolled her eyes at the comments, praying for them to hopefully get to the point of her lurking.

The third of the girls finally spoke, Ana steering the ship that was their convo into what seemed to be a tsunami.

“I just wish I had hair as dark as yours Amber.”

Amber responded, “No you don’t oh my gosh it’s so hard to dye and plus nobody wants a brunette in the year of 2022.”

Abby continued to sit still, now staring at her camo backpack on the floor by her, wondering if it was concealed enough for this.

“Wait speaking of brunettes, what’s the deal with that Abby chick.” Janet spoke.

Suddenly it felt as if an angel was singing to Abby when she heard this, lifting her head out of her knees and tuning back in.

“Who?” Ana said.

“Oh shit, the girl who Ms Ward is in line to pick for that scholarship opportunity right? Amber said.

“Yes exactly, she seems to be such a fucking weirdo oh my, I always catch her staring at me and my clothes like the girl wants to live in my closet.” Janet said.

“I’m pretty sure she’s already living in some kind of closet.” Ana said and was met with an uproar of laugh from the other two girls.

“Wait but back on that scholarship thing, I was dead center to get that, Ms Ward alluded to it heavy on the last comments she left on my essay.” Amber said

Abby rolled her eyes whilst still leaning against the stall still, her neck ready to snap from holding it up this long.

“So the girl took your money basically?”

Janet said.

“Oh that’s some hot shit she’s about to be in then right? What are we about to do?” Ana said.

“Well I dunno, I guess we could just open that closet to the world right?” Amber said.

This shook Abby to her core. The girl grabbed her camo backpack and flipped up her black hoodie. Clutching an old face mask out of her bag she put it on. With the speed of a cheetah Abby ran past the three, before they could even catch a glimpse of her.

As she left she heard various “who the fuck was that’s”. Now alone in the halls she didn’t know if she should feel greatful for knowing to listen in on them or horrified, but she scurried back to class.

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