Best Friends Forever

Seeing your best friend getting buried is alway’s very hard. The pain Jennifer felt as she watched her best friend’s coffin slowly start to disappear into the ground was gut wrenching. Mikala and Jennifer were friends since junior high. They did everything together. Talked all about boy’s, alway’s went down to the mall on the weekend’s and even had matching Prom dresses.

Jennifer start’s getting ready to settle down for the night when the phone start’s ringing. Jennifer look’s puzzled as it’s midnight. “Who could be calling as this hour?” She said as she walk’s over to her nightstand. She turn’s her phone over to see “UNKNOWN CALLER”. She reject’s the call and set’s it back down. “Well… that was weird” she think’s to herself. As she is getting some pajama’s to get her for a shower she look’s over at her mirror and jewelry box. She walk’s over and look’s at all the memories between her and Mikala. She smile’s as she look’s at a picture of the two of them laughing over a birthday cake with the number’s 22 on it. Tear’s start to form in her eye’s as she look’s down at the jewelry box. She slowly open’s it up to reveal a beaded bracelet that read’s “M&J 4EVR”. Jennifer smile’s and hold’s the bracelet close to her heart as a tear start’s to fall. “Friend’s forever” she quietly say’s. RING RING! Startled, Jennifer drops the bracelet and quickly turn’s around facing her phone. She quickly walk’s over to it and see’s it’s the unknown caller again. Hesitant, she answer’s.

“Hello?” She ask’s. A few seconds go by… “Hello?” She listens closely. She can faintly hear the sound of breathing. “Hello? Who is this?” She said as she tries hiding the panic in her voice. “Jennifer…” a small raspy voice said back. Jennifer gasps and drop’s her phone disconnecting the call. “No…. No way.” She think’s “this is a prank…Mikala is dead.” The phone start’s ringing again. With shaking hand’s she pick’s up the phone again. “M..Mikala?” She answer’s. “Friend’s…. Forever” the raspy voice that sound’s like Mikala said. “What do you mean? Who are you?!” Panic start’s to rise in her voice. “Blood… Pact… Best…Friend’s… Forever…” Mikala say’s. “Blood pact?…..Huh!” Jennifer remember’s now….

Summer of 2016:

“Let’s make a blood pact to be friend’s forever!” Mikala suggested on summer evening. “What do you mean? Like the witch voodoo kind of thing?” Jennifer ask’s curiously. “Yes! I was looking it up the other day on Google.” With excitement Mikala pulled her phone out and showed Jennifer the article she found. “It’s like a promise… to alway’s be best friend’s! No matter what happen’s.” Jennifer look’s it over. She doesn’t really believe in witchcraft or voodoo but she can see just how excited this make’s Mikala. “Hell, why not? What’s the worse that could happen” she say’s and giggles. Mikala jump’s with excitement. “We have to wait until midnight though. Want to come spend the night with me?” Mikala ask’s. “Sure, we can have a movie night as well!” The two of them excitedly jump’s and giggles. They hug each other a goodbye until later that night

Later that night 11:55pm:

The girl’s are sitting across from each other and between them Mikala drew what look’s like a Witchcraft symbol. Candles are placed at each point of the symbol. As Mikala light’s the candles a small brush of wind come’s by. Jennifer get’s goosebump’s as Mikala look’s at her, her face lit up by the glow of candles, “It’s time.” Mikala sit’s back down and pull’s a shard of glass from her purse. Jennifer pull’s back a little, confused and scared. Mikala notice’s, “oh! Don’t worry, I just have to make a small cut on both of our palm’s. I’ll go first to show you.” Jennifer watches, both amazed and scared, as Mikala glides the glass along her palm creating a deep enough cut for blood to start oozing out. Mikala winces at the pain but pushes through it. She closes her palm into a fist and hold’s her fist over the Witchcraft symbol letting blood drip onto the middle. Blood splashes down. It’s so quiet you can hear the drip of the blood. “Okay, your turn.” Mikala say’s as she reaches for Jennifer. To stunned to really react, Jennifer let’s Mikala take her hand. “It doesn’t hurt too bad” she said as the glass shard slices through her flesh. Jennifer’s gasp’s in pain but doesn’t pull back. Once Mikala was done she did the same thing. She watches as her blood drop’s onto the floor beneath her hand. “Okay,” Mikala say’s disrupting her thought’s of the blood. “Now, we put our hand’s together and I’ll do the talking…” Jennifer place she cut hand into Mikala’s and listen’s closely. Loudly Mikala start’s the chant “PLEASE OL WISE SPIRITS… HEAR US NOW. WE COME AS BEST FRIENDS. BEST FRIENDS THAT WANT TO BE BINDED BY THE STRONG FRIENDSHIP WE HAVE. PLEASE GRANT US FOREVER FRIENDSHIP!” Mikala look’s at Jennifer… “repeat after me… BEST FRIENDS FOREVER… BEST FRIENDS FOREVER…” Jennifer start’s quietly but then get’s louder. “Best friends forever…. BEST FRIENDS FOREVER!” Just then, lighting strike’s close by and thunder roar’s loudly scaring both girl’s. Wind rushes in blowing out all candles. Startled and scared Jennifer look’s at Mikala. “It’s done. We will be best friend’s forever!!” Both girl’s smile and laugh and hug each other. “Best friend’s forever.” Jennifer replied with a smile.

Back to the present:

“No…” Jennifer start’s to panic “That wasn’t real! Witchcraft isn’t real!” She started screaming. Mikala say’s again but with anger behind her voice.. “ Best…. Friend’s…. FOEVER!!!” Jennifer scream’s as her power goes out. She quickly run’s over to her dresser drawer and pull’s out a flashlight. She crawl’s into a corner shining it toward’s her door. The house is completely silent… eerily silent. Until… Jennifer silently gasps as she recognizes the sounds of footsteps above her. Slowly walking around upstair’s. Shaking and sobbing uncontrollably she tries to call 911 only to notice that her phone has no signal. She stares at it in sheet terror realizing she can’t get any help. She listen’s as she hear’s the floor boards creak underneath the weight of whoever or…. Dare she think, whatever is in the house. The start walking down the stairs slowly and then they stop. Trying to hold her breathe to listen more all she can hear is the sound of her heartbeat. Thum-Thump… Thum-Thump… A minute or so goes by then she hear’s something that send’s chill’s down her back. Off in the distance, down the hall she can hear a small voice calling out her name. “Jennifer…” and just then the footstep’s start back up walking directly toward’s her door. Frantically, Jennifer get’s up and stumbles around looking for anything she can use as a weapon. Louder and closer…”Jennifer… Best… Friends… Forever.” She start’s sobbing louder as she find’s a bat in the closet. She back’s up and stand’s in the middle of the room but in front of the door preparing herself for whatever is going to come through. The footsteps are no right outside. You can hear the creak of the floor boards a whoever or whatever stands right there. “Jennifer…. Best… Friends… FOREVER!!” Jennifer scream’s as the door flies off slamming into the wall behind her. She point’s the flashlight into the hallway but see’s nothing. Bat in hand she walk’s closer but nothing. She listen’s and silence…. Nothing. Her heart start’s to settle down and her breathe slow’s. She start’s giggling to herself thinking that she has just had a hard day when something makes her blood run cold. Just then… she realizes there is a small breeze but the AC isn’t on and no windows are opened. She feel’s wind directly on the back of her neck. She get’s a tighter grip on the bat as she start’s to slowly turn around. Fully turned around she raises the flashlight slowly as she start’s to sob uncontrollably. There… standing in front of her is the corpse of he dead best friend… all battered and torn from the way she died in the car accident. Jennifer look’s at her in horror. Mikala stares back… with dead eye’s and smile’s an evil smile. “Jennifer… Best…. Friend’s… FOREVER!” Mikala lunges at Jennifer as Jennifer scream’s into the pitch black of the empty house. Her scream trail’s off into silence leaving her room empty with just the flashlight still on and the baseball bat on the floor.

4 day’s later:

“Police are still searching for 22 year old Jennifer Matthews. It is said that she was possibly kidnapped the other night coming back from her best friend’s funeral. If you happen to see her, please call your local Police Station immediately.”

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