Write a story where an object that is inconspicuously mentioned early on is a key element of the plot towards the end of your story.

Using an object is an easy way to foreshadow an idea, but you could also try using something else like dialogue, or another character, to foreshadow your plot.

Perfect Peyton

7:00 in the morning. Peyton slams her hand on her alarm clock and mopes out of bed. “Too early” she mumbles as she stumbles towards the bathroom. She’s so out of it from staying up all night stressing and studying for a chemistry test. Thoughts run through her mind of what she has to do today. Go to school, do homework, go to cheer, shower, study… too many things are on her mind. She splashes water in her face and looks up at her reflection in the mirror “Perfect Peyton” she says, reassuring herself with a forced smile. Perfect Peyton is the nickname her brother had given her. Peyton has perfect grades, perfect friends, perfect looks, everything about her life is just… perfect. Then, she turns on the shower, takes out a razor and begins to shave her legs in a rush to eat breakfast and get to school on time. When she’s done she puts the razor back on the counter and continues to wash her hair. After 15 minutes she turns the water off and proceeds to her room to put on a beautiful white dress. After getting dressed she goes downstairs, eats breakfast, then goes back up to brush her teeth. In the bathroom, she grabs her toothbrush, puts toothpaste on it and begins to brush. A couple seconds pass and Peytons mouth begins to sting. She puts her toothbrush down and grabs her face in agony as the pain intensifies. Then she glances in the mirror. Red. Red everywhere. Filling her mouth and pouring down her chin as if a waterfall over a cliff. She begins to panic, “how could this have happened” she thinks. Then she takes a look at where she has left her toothbrush, and sitting there next to the red sea in her sink, was her razor, covered in her blood… right next to her toothbrush with a perfect untouched glob of paste right on top. Peytons head begins to spin and she looked down at herself, bloody hands, bloody face, bloody dress. Perfect Peyton’s life had not been so perfect anymore.

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