Seasons Of A Human Life

Life is a series of seasons

We start with the spring child;

Sweet, innocent, and forever loving

Happiness is the only goal, survival is secondary

Love unconditional, forever blissful

Master of nothing; jack of nothing

Learning, playing, laughter

This season seems the longest

This season is the happiness I forget

Make the best of your childhood

For in a blink of an eye

Yours in the summer adolescence

This period is full of strife, but not hardship

You learn who you are, emotions are wild

Yet you still need to learn, you know only a fraction of what you will know

This seems at the moment to be hard

But I assure you this is only the briefest moment in your life

Live grow and be happy

Learn to hold what is dear close

Moments pass

Life flashes

And soon you will face

The longest yet hardest part

Autumn adults; the most difficult and longest part

You mastered your craft; you acquire skills

You grow harder, in my case; I acquired depression

Skills for a dead craft, and memories of a long forgotten past, cocooned in misery

Addictions gathered, addictions hold tight, hatred for past mistakes

Sadness is permanent; and yet moments of memories; moments with my children, their laughs

I push forward, and so shall you

Quitting in this season is the worst

You should never quit

Life gets easier from here

Or at least faster from here

One moment your drinking

The next you have two kids

A decade seems like a year

Half a century goes by

And now you are a winter elder

The coldest moments as you talk to death

Failures pile on

Even if you succeed; you will die

Existential dread mixed with sweet relief

Years feel like days

And soon you will grow forever cold

As the final season take your last breath

Live your life to the fullest

As each fleeting moment

Only gets faster.

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