
Would I describe my job as boring?

Kind of.

In my childhood, I couldn’t think about doing anything else than I what I do today.

But I am a human just like you - when we do things to often, they become lame, uninteresting.

What should I make for dinner?, I think as I run away from the hot bright flames.

Maybe just bread.

Giant teeth try to grab me, but I rushed behind a tree.

Or I could cook something. Soup, for example.

My knees are hurting. I’m not getting younger.

I grope for my knife in my pocket.

It is where it has always been.

I pull it out, slowly moving to the thing that the teeth belong to.

No, I am too lazy to cook something. Bread has to be enough.

The things roars. The whole earth seems to shudder, including my hurting knees.


“Hey, you!“, I shout.

Within a second, a large red head appears in front of me.

I can feel its warm breath. It smells like rotten meat and some kind of fish.

Oh, good idea - I can buy fish for dinner.

Doesn‘t the fish store have discounts today?

Yellow eyes stare at me, one as big as my hand. And I have big hands.

„Let’s make it short, buddy“ I suggest and raise the hand with the knife.

The thing opens its mouth - more rotten-meat-smell - and takes a deep breath.

Before it spits fire, I hit my knife in its unprotected throat.

Its eyes become even bigger as waves of violet blood stream out of its body.

Then, it collabes.

A mountain of red scales lies in front of me, reflecting the light of the evening sun.

I sigh.

Just bread. The fish can wait.

And I walk home from another normal day as a dragon killer.

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