Our Walk

I look up to you. I don’t wanna let you down. Desperate to not disappoint you. Scared if I speak I’ll say something stupid or self sabotage myself subconsciously which is something I seem to constantly see myself do. As we walk alongside on the sidewalk I wonder what I should say. I don’t have much going on and my hobbies aren’t interesting, I’m afraid I’ll bore you and you’ll lose interest. I’m afraid when you find out what I’m really like you’ll leave. I’m afraid…and it’s stupid. I shouldn’t worry because you care for me and I care for you, but my overthinking overtakes and consumes me until I’m left quiet and sad. More than anything now I’m dissapointed in myself and mad at my own insecurities. The voices in you head argue and yell at eachother so much I can’t even speak to you. I don’t know what to say. So in awkward silence, we walk.

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