by Annie Spratt @ Unsplash

Write a story where an important scene takes place in an outdoor play area.
Just Like That
The day was perfect to be outdoors, it was stale but with a seldom breeze and no clouds in view. As we drove into the playground, her face always lift up quietly. As we get out of the car I ask her what would you like to do first she points to the swings. I head over to sit her on the swing she grasp on to her doll. She never lets go of her doll. She’s had it since she arrived. She says can I go slide. I bring her over to the slide and As I see her slide I tend to see her face light up. I tend to wonder does she like it here. I can’t help but wonder if she starting to feel as she belongs. I wave at her as she looks for me as she goes back to slide down. It’s been 3 months since we adopted her she does not say much. The most I get out of her is when we come to the playground.
I noticed she has made a friend and they are playing together and my heart lights up for her. She runs over to me and says “mama I have a friend” with tears in my eyes “I say wow that’s great baby”. O my she called me mama, I am as over joyed as she is. Wow until then I was Iliana. I could not help but to think will she call me mama again. I calmed myself down and remember it’s her timing.
When it was time to leave she asked to be picked up and I carried her and felt her little head lay over my shoulder. I knew the world was a better place since Lilly joined our family. This is a day I will never forget.