There were so many rumors surrounding the dragon chest. With such a name, minds ran wild with stories.
But I didn’t expect to open it and find this.
The egg
The dragon’s chest always spoke of great wealth, of treasures like nothing you’ve ever experienced. People dreamed about it and heroes sought after it, while failing to find it. It was just a silly fantasy, until Edgar found it for real.
Inside was nothing but a single egg. He touched it with the pad of a finger, taking in the soft fragility of the thing. It wasn’t gold or jeweled or a precious stone. It was an actual egg.
“It makes sense doesn’t it?” Edgar asked Lor, his faithful companion. “There are maybe a dozen dragons left in the world. What would be more valuable to a dragon than an as of yet unfertilized egg. They’re viable for hundreds of years like this. It could become a dragon someday.”