It’s Really… You?

6:00 AM

Right on time, I enter the coffee shop. This has been my place of work for years. Every day, same time, all to schedule. I set up shop for the day and turn the sign on the door to say “Open.”

As people come and go in the shop, business slows down for a bit. I count the cash in the register while I have the time. I hear the bell of the door.

“Welcome!” I shout from the counter, expecting to see just another costumer. As they approach the counter, I set down the cash in my hand and ask, “What can I ge-“

“Coffee. Hot. Two sugars. 2 pumps of vanilla. One shot of espresso.

After being rudely interrupted, I look up from the counter at this costumer.

Without a single belief in what I was seeing, it’s her. Rachel Stave. My hero, the best singer in the world. I’ve always loved her, I’m her biggest fan. I’m in complete awe.

“Well? Get me my coffee.”

“Yes miss Stave, right away.” I rush to ready her coffee exactly the way she ordered. I’ve been waiting for this moment all my life. Maybe not in this exact way, but to be honest, meeting Rachel at all has been my biggest dream.

“Here, here’s your coffee. Can I get you anything else?” I ask, excitedly.

“No. And don’t expect me to pay, it’s obvious you know me pretty well.”

“Well Rach- miss Stave, you have to pay for your coffee. I’m sorry, that’s just how it works.” I can’t believe I just said that to her.

“Okay, roach. This is how it works,” she continues, “I come into these little stores. The people working at the counter love me. I’m their favorite, always have been always will be. You will give me this coffee for free or I will take note of you to never come to any concert, any autograph signing, and to be blocked on all platforms. You’ll never see or hear me again. Understand?”

“Yes.. miss Stave.”

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