Try writing a romantic Pantoum.
A pantoum is a poem where each stanza is 4 lines, and the second and fourth line of each stanza are repeated as the first and third lines of the next.
sleepy love
Stay with me,
My love.
To be with you,
It’s all I need.
My love,
Hold me tight.
It’s all I need
Tonight, my love.
Hold me tight,
Stroke my hair,
Tonight, my love
Before we go to sleep.
Stroke my hair,
While I lie on your chest,
Before we go to sleep,
It’s all I need.
While I lie on your chest,
Tender loving care,
It’s all I need.
Whispering “Goodnight, I love you”.
Tender loving care,
Swaddled around me.
Whispering “Goodnight, I love you”,
Says he.
—— (I’m very sleepy but just started this and I had to finish before i went to sleep so I don’t know if this is all correct or any good hahaha) ——-