Strange Man In The Rain

As the strange man sheltered from the heavy rain under his umbrella, he unwaveringly crept through the walls of falling water as he assessed his current state. He felt the burn on his hands as the skin of his fingernails slowly peeled back and they would only get worse the longer he remained in this place. As he was entranced by the rapid decomposing state of his body a butterfly landed on his hand, likely also seeking safety from the all-encompassing storm. Still not fully understanding the conditions of the body he inhabited, he determined the only choice he had was to get back to the graveyard where he was told his body belonged. As much as this place intrigued him he began to miss the cold ache of the worms that called the cavity where his brain once was home. As he crossed Slant Street back towards West Park Cemetary, he noticed his legs growing stiffer. Across the street he could see the disturbed grave that he called home but feared he wouldn't make it back. His fears were only validated as he stepped on the curb at the end of the crosswalk only to watch his knee separate from the lower part of his leg and contact the cement. Upon contact he could feel his hip pop from the socket as he slid back into the street, directly into the ever-growing stream the rain had created, rushing towards the storm drain. He glanced backwards and saw the hooded figure which had brought him here earlier that morning standing across the street, seemingly unmoved by the fact that this creation he had raised from the ground only hours before was bound to return in mere moments. As the rushing water began to break apart the strange man's limbs, he was only a foot away from the storm drain now. For how short his visit back to this place was he was relieved as his body was swept under the street. Returning to the dark was satisfying though it wasn't what he was used to, not as cozy as the soil surrounding his rotting flesh. Regardless, once his body was fully broken apart as it washed through the sewers of Dive City, he could feel the familiar relieving sigh as the forever slumber he was taken from returned to him once more.

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