La Luna Fiore

In the softly glowing light of the full moon, a delicate seedling stretches towards the sky. Emerald green leaves slowly unfurl, drooping back down towards the earth. As the stem reaches up to the moon, a small bud rapidly swells before bursting into bloom. The flower of this mysterious plant is said to be one of the greatest wonders of the natural world. Petals white as the purest snow, glowing as if a moonbeam was trapped within each one. As a gentle breeze causes the flower to dip and sway, a myriad of colors chase each other across the petals: red, green, blue, purple and every other color both known and unknown. It is said that whomever can pick this flower with pure and gentle intentions will be granted luck in their every endeavor and health in their long life. However, if one picks this flower with greed they will gain the worst luck, turning their life miserable. As the moon sets, the flower slowly withers away, turning to ash that scatters in the breeze to wait until the full moon rises again.

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