Write a poem or short story from the perspective of royalty, which focuses on a specific topic of your choice.

It could be real royalty or a fantasy world, but try to imagine how they would feel differently about your chosen theme due to their position.

Longing for Freedom

Wake up, allow the maids to prepare me for the day, walk around the castle aimlessly, attend a couple of lessons. I might read a few books, then attend dinner.

That’s how every day of my life has gone since I could remember.

I am constantly being followed by a guard that my father, King Henry, has assigned to me. He acts like a shadow everywhere I go, but I suppose that’s natural when your family is warring against another kingdom.

The Great War of Socstia began eight years ago. When I was exactly nine years old. I wasn’t aware of what was happening at the time, all I knew was that my Kingdom of Alberthia was being attacked. That meant I was unsafe. So I began to get used to the boring mundane life. Everyday was predictable for me.

The sun was close to setting which means It should be getting close to dinner time. I lean further into the soft funiture and bring the book closer to my face. The large abstract library was lit by the small amount of natural light flooding through the colored glass and some torches spread out here and there.

The big wooden doors creak open as shoes click on the concrete floor.

A soft voice speaks up, “Princess Talia, the King and Queen awates you in the great hall.”

I look up from the book and then my head. It was Gwen. The small thirteen year old girl who I’ve known for a while. She was a very sweet girl, really.

I nod and give her a smile before closing my book, “Of course.”

I follow her lead through the seemingly endless halls and cold starways. I wonder If i could take my father into putting up a few more torches. This palace could use the light.

We arrived at the gold lined doors and Gwen took a bow before opening them and walking toward the line of servants that waits on us.

“Good evening, Mother, Father,” I nod towards them taking my seat across the table.

“Good evening,” he replied.

The table was silent for a time being. The servants waited on us and I was almost finished with my plate before the King spoke.

“There’s something I need to discuss with you.”

I look up and hesitantly put down my silverware. This wasn’t common. Most of the time my parents are so consumed with the war and the safety of the kingdom we don’t speak a lot. I know they love me, but we were not very close.

“I have spoken to King Versuha, and we have come to an agreement.”

A big smile overtakes my face. I look over the Mother, filled with joy. “That’s amazing.” She didn’t respond to me and looked down at her plate. My grin slips and I sit up straighter. “What’s wrong?”

“In order for the war to end I needed to create an alliance with the Kingdom of Kano. That meant creating a marriage alliance between you and Prince Castiell.”

My shoulders drop at the confession. “What.”

“Please understand it was a last resort. This war needs to end. Our kingdoms does not have the resources to continue to fight anymore.” My fathers face is saddened but I couldn’t bring myself to care.

My heart beats in my ear and I feel something wet slide down on my face. I reach up to wipe it off. My eyes must’ve started to water without me noticing. All I can focus on right now is that I’m being forced to marry someone I’ve never met. Let alone a man that was ravaging my kingdom.

I knew this day was coming. I know that standing as the sole child of the King and Queen of Alberthia my marriage would not be one of my own choice, but I was not ready for it yet.

I quickly get up and leave the great hall, my shoes click with every step I take towards my chambers. I could hear my mother and father call my name but I ignored the voices and ran anyway.

I never should of allowed myself to fantasy of having freedom, especially romantic freedom, like the young woman in the books I’ve read. It was foolish of me.

Now I stand, staring out the pained glass window that overlooks part of the kingdom with tears rolling down my face. I’ve been destined to the worst king of man and there’s nothing I can do about it.

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