Words of Wisdom From a 9-Year-Old Boy

Did you know ‘Gone With the Wind’ is the highest grossing movie of all time?

It supposedly popularized colored film

A friend of mine recently told me she wanted to be a film colorist when she was younger

I used to want to be a gymnast

Until I quit in fourth grade

It is those moments I often return to

Saccharine-tinted clips

Not necessarily placed in a correct order

Sitting along the dock of a small pond in Vermont

All together


Walking along the park I used to regularly visit for field trips

Listening to the cicadas

And our voices

Overlapping one another’s carefully

I just can’t find it in myself

To bring with me what hasn’t fully left

The ticket stub from a movie I don’t quite enjoy enough to keep

But kept anyways

A reminder that I cannot turn away from things

That make me uncertain

A boarding pass cartooning the longest boat ride of my life

I lost three years on that ferry

They slipped away from me like visions of a boy

Who walked out quietly

And never came back

He shut the door wide open

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