Cure (Part 1)

(Sorry, it's more of a story than a description)


Jonas stepped out from behind the tree.

“Found it!” he whispered excitedly. Joseph stuck his head out of the time machine door, urging Jonas to hurry up. They had to get out of there quickly, before they were spotted.

As Jonas was crouching down, examining the last of the Luminiflora Noxturna, a rare plant that only bloomed at night, Joseph thought he saw a figure move behind one of the walls of flowers. He anxiously fidgeted with the pen he was holding. This year, 2082, was the last year in which the flower would be in bloom. It was originally created by a botanist some rich guy had hired because he wanted glowing flowers in his garden. There had been a mistake in bioengineering, however, so that the flowers would only bloom when the moon was full. The rich dude had — or rather, would soon — destroy them in outrage. Little did he know that the Luminiflora Noxturna contained the ingredient that would cure Somnitis Dissociata, an illness that would develop in the human race after they discovered other planets in 2105.

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