Scared with a capital "SCAR"

Franklin D. roosevelt once said, "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself." I don't think he knew when he said that how accurate that statement would be for me. Fear for me takes the form of a man visible only to me, a shadowy figure that points out all of my flaws, mistakes, and insecurities. I'm not really scared of this thing though, I know he can't physically hurt me. I'm scared of what he's done to me.

He, or I should say IT, has collapsed my psyche, poking at the weak parts in my brain. I'm scared that soon, I'll just be a shell. Completely empty and still Ugly. Even as I write this he torments me, telling me things I should know aren't true, but I believe them anyway. I'm scared of what's coming Next. And that is why I am writing this. I'm writing this for anyone who is hurt by the thing that I become.

I watch as my life, sanity, and identity crumble before my eyes, all while the thing I call fear watches from the shadows, pulling the strings and laughing at the Frailty of the human mind. I hope that anyone reading this won't make the same mistake as me. I should have got professional help right when fear appeared, if I get out of this at all, it will not be free from scars.

My letter will soon come to an End, along with my sanity. My only wish is that whoever reads this takes precautions to protect themselves from A similar demise, I don't want a Repeat of my mistake. i wouldn't wish that on anybody, not even the worst of Sinners. hopefully, I will be this fear's last victim, but Even with this letter, I am sure there will be others. I would Recommend taking Every precaution against it, and hoping for the best.

Fear is man's worst enemy, we have all felt his presence, looming over us, ready to consume us. Fortify yourself against him, he can only take those who are not ready to fight back against him. Don't be like me, save yourself.

And with that, I sign off for the last time.

-Willow Hudson

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