Come get me.

Claire was washing the dishes when she heard her cellphone ringing. It was her favorite song, their wedding song, she and Laura had been married for four years now, time really flew by.

As Claire picked up the phone the call ended suddenly, so she phoned Laura this time.

"Hi sweetie, how are you?" - Claire calmly said.

"Claire help me!" - Laura answered hastily.

"Laura, love what happened?"

"I was coming to work when this guy started following me around" - she stopped to cough - "He chased me until that restaurant near your job, I don't know where he is but I'm hiding in the toilet."

"Laura, calm down, I'm going to call the police ok?"

"NO!" - Laura said in a voice that slightly scared Claire, it sounded so deep, unusual for her.

"Sorry Claire, no, I need you to come here, there's this alley on the side that I can escape trough the window, wait for me there."

"Honey you are not making any sense, just call the police, they can get this guy, how does he look like?"

"Claire I don't want to get the police involved, just come get me, please."

"But why not Laura, what if he decides to chase you in the bathroom?"

"I-" - she stopped - "He won't, I'm already on the alley, please come get me Claire, I need you."

Claire sat down, after a few moments of silence Laura said again - "Claire, come get me, I am waiting for you"



"How come you are only calling me by name?"

"What? Claire I'm scared, please just come, quickly!"

Claire took a deep breath - "Fine, I'm on my way."


A day later:

Rosanne was sitting watching television when her phone ringed, it was her daughter Claire.

"Hi daughter how are you?"

"Rosanne help me!"


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