“It felt so real, yet so magical!”
Include this line in your story
The Real Thing
“It felt so real, yet so magical! Better than nectar. I'll remember that moment forever." The girl touched a finger to her lips, as though recalling something amazing.
"Uh-huh." She nodded to her friend and sighed.
"Didn't cost a thing, either," she finished.
"Uh-huh," she repeated.
Her friend pulled one of those thinky-faces people do when they're trying to process all they can, when all they can is very little. She finished with a, "Really? Even better than the real thing?"
"Wow. Won't be touching your old friend anymore, then?"
"No chance." She licked her lips.
"I wish I'd had a moment like that." She sniffed, and then folded her arms tighter than any straightjacket.
Seeing her so forlorn, the girl took pity on her friend. How could she have kept such a secret to herself? So, she sidled up to her, bent down, and whispered in her ear. "They still want testers. It's called Pepsi, and it's in aisle three."