The Good Doctor And The Vortex

"Let's talk about something else," the elderly gentleman said kindly, putting his tea cup down and looking out the window.

I pursed my lips, "You know I can't do that, Dr. Thom. It's a matter of utmost importance. Of national security..."

'Of global security', I thought to myself. 'And maybe even beyond.'

No-one quite knew the extent of its power. Nor how far the breadth of its potential effects could travel.

Dr. Thom sighed and put his hands in his lap, "Oh, very well," he said, his gaze slowly moving back to the raindrops pattering against the window.

My eyes brightened and I swiftly moved to sit in the deep green, velour, upright armchair opposite, pen in hand, posied over my notebook, ready to take my notes.

"We call it the Vortex," he began softly, "and it holds power beyond imagination. The power of the gods, some might say."

He paused and looked down at his wrinkled hands in lap. "I am ashamed to admit that I had anything to do with its inception. We did not know," he said, looking up at me imploringly, "we did not know what we were setting loose."

I held my breath in anticipation. But he didn't say anything. He just stared through the window, as the raindrops each slowly slid down the pane, one by one.

"Well, we need to enter it, Dr Thom. So, how do we survive it?"

That seemed to break him out of his reverie, as his piercing blue eyes shot straight to mine.

"My dear girl," he said, "Do you know what you're saying? It is a torrent of power. It is more fantastic and terrible than your wildest dreams. It is where angels fear to tread. Not even a demi-god could survive it."

"You know what's on the other side?" I asked.

He sighed again, "Yes, I know. But it doesn't change the problem of entry."

He paused, bringing his wrinkled finger up to his chin, "Unless..."

"Unless, what?" I asked, leaning forward ever so slightly. He must know a way to get in. He must.

"Dr. Blundy... he kept saying... well of course, he went stark raving... but maybe..."

"Maybe what, Doctor? A Dr. Blundy, you say? He might know?"

All of a sudden, Dr. Thom seemed to regain all sense of his faculties. He looked at me, as sharp as a razor, his eyes bright, a slight smile on his face.

"Yes, yes, Dr. Blundy!" he said, raising a narled finger in the air. "He was working on some ridiculous project before he was relegated to the asylum, you see. Kept muttering about having found a way in. But we thought nothing of it because of his state. But maybe he did find a way in - it's possible..."

"And where might I find this Dr. Blundy?" I asked.

"Well, the torrent - the vortex. He spent too much time near it, you see. We were all fascinated with it but we took precautions. We never stayed near it for too long. But he - he became obsessed. Spent every waking minute near it. We warned him but he wouldn't listen. Too lost in his own world by then."

He sighed and smiled sadly, "The Vortex got the better of him. We could all see that it was on the cards. And eventually, the doctors had no other option but to admit him."

"Where?" I asked again, pen poised on my notepad.

"Whitewick High-Security Psychiatric Hospital, that's where they took him. But that was 40 years ago, my girl. I don't know where he might be now."

At last, a lead. It was enough, enough to get started with. I stood up, "Thank you, Doctor," I said, smiling grimly at him, "you've been of great help."

I left him staring after me, his hands trembling, his jaw open, his brow furrowed. That last memory of him will haunt me for the rest of my life. For that was the last time I would see the good doctor.

My visit to Whitewick hospital would be the first breadcrumb of many that would eventually lead me safely through that Vortex. Yes, I would ride that torrent and be spat out, wretching and gasping, a shadow of myself. But I'd be on the other side. I *am* on the other side. And it's now that my mission begins.

Let's just hope I'll live to tell the tale...

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