Submitted by Oralie Penderwick

'She stared at me for a moment, then plunged the knife into my stomach.'

Write a story containing this line, whether you build up to it, or go from it.

Young Love

I and my current girlfriend had been dating for roughly about two years, and seeing as how we’re still in high school, it was quite shocking to see how long the relationship had lasted so far.

As of now, said girl and I were walking down the eerily quiet road, occasionally exchanging words, although mainly just soaking up each other’s presence.

"Did you see what happened today? In the gym?" She asks, glancing up at me through her eyelashes.

I nod, the hint of my smile ghosting my lips. "Yeah. Shit was wack. I heard he broke her finger."

"God… I heard she fucked him up royally, face all, like, destroyed and shit. Somethin' straight out of a horror movie," She explains with a sigh, looking down at her red converses and kicking a stray pebble.

"Well, if she did, he deserved it based on what I heard," I scoff, crossing my arms over my chest.

"…Yeah." She turns her body to fully look at me.

I halt, turning as well, "What's wrong?" My eyebrows furrow in confusion, a sudden wave of anxiousness coursing through my body.

She stares at me for a few seconds, eyes blank and rid of any previous emotions, then plunges the kitchen knife that'd been shoved into the pocket of her hoodie into my stomach. She pulls it back, leaving a gaping stab wound on my abdomen.

She continues to stare at me as I gasp, hand lowering to press against the bleeding wound. My scream echoes through the neighborhood, hoping it reaches the ears of someone who can get me some goddamn help.

I stagger, attempting to stumble away from her, but she catches my wrist, stabbing into my side. I scream again. "Just kill me already, you bitch!"

"Okay," She hums, petting my hair before slitting my throat wide open. I gargle for a few moments before slumping onto the road.

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