You live in a world where you are assigned a pet animal since birth.
It is not necessary to include mythical animals but don’t feel limited to just domesticated pets!
A Day In The Life Of An ‘Owner’
My pet humans’ voice calls me.
I rush to her, meowing happily.
She reaches down, to let me pet her hand.
Yet, she always scratches my head before I pet her- weird.
I place my paw on top of her hand, and pet it.
I groom her fingers, picking up all the little dust trapped between her nails and skin.
I smile at her, and ask her for some food.
“Me hungwy.
Can you cook fwood?”
I know she doesn’t know what I’m saying, but she seems to understand.
I don’t know why the pet cooks the food for the owner.
But I guess its’ always that way?
I’ve seen all the other owners getting fed by their Pets, so it’s nothing new.
I can smell the fresh scent of fish.
I race to where my pet cooks, and stare at her.
She doesn’t notice me, as she’s just finishing up the meal.
But pretty soon, she hears my meows.
And gives me a piece of fish.
Might make a part 2 since nothing really happened.
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