Submitted by Leah Grace

Those hazel eyes are soft; eyes that don’t belong to a killer.

Write a short story that contains this line or centres around the idea.


_“nonononononononono. please don’t do this. please let me go. please please ple—”_

It burns. I feel the sharp blade pierce my skin. The cold metal radiating heat the deeper it goes.


_It hurts. It hurts so fucking much. _


_And then it’s gone._



This is it for me, cold is seeping in — just one step away from death’s embrace; and then I see them.

My sister’s eyes, the same color as my own. _Staring._

Those hazel eyes are soft; eyes that don’t belong to a killer. That shouldn’t.

_But now they do. _


“Pretty aren’t they. Hazel and umber, a matching set.”


“Yeah, siblings. Fresh too, collected them myself not even a week ago.”

“Damn, you did this yourself? Nice work, the preserving fluid is still crystal clear.”

“Thanks man. Its a new trick I’m trying out where you let the blood drain a bit before extracting. The eye loses a little bit of volume but the clear fluid makes it so that you can really appreciate the color.”

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