Write about a superhero who sees everything in slow-motion.

How may this power affect the way this hero sense other things like sound and touch?


The thing about the way you see the world is that it’s all internal. There’s no way to be sure we all interpret colors the same way. I think about this sometimes: think that my red might be someone else’s green. And there would be no way to tell. There are differences you can tell. Aphantasia, for one, the inability to form mental images. But the interesting thing about people with aphantasia is they’ll often get quite far in life assuming that “picture this” is metaphorical. It’s like everyone who can visualize has a secret talent that’s just too commonplace to realize some people don’t. Or maybe it’s the capability to not visualize that’s the talent. To not have to relive past embarrassing moments. Studies suggest people with aphantasia are less prone to PTSD, maybe even are generally lower stress. Must be nice.

When I try to explain my talent (on anonymous forums, not in person: as complicated as my feelings are, I don’t want to lose it. If it’s something I can lose. If it really is a Talent and not just the way my brain works), I’m struck by how often people say it sounds awful, that they can’t imagine living life stuck like that. I guess it would be, if I hadn’t lived this way all my life. If I hadn’t grown up assuming that this is how everyone sees the world.

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