"Tonight will be our last sunset. You will never see me again."
Create a story beginning with this sentence. Try to develop anticipation and tension around this statement.
One Last Sunset
“Tonight will be my last sunset. You will never see me again.” I whispered under my breath.
“What’s wrong, boy?” Maddie asked me, giving me a comforting rub on my head. I leaned into her scratch, staring off into the bright, pink swirls.
“I’ll send someone down to take care of you. So you won’t have to watch the sky alone.” I promised.
Maddie’s eyebrows furrowed together and I stared up into her blue eyes, shining bright with the last bit of sunlight.
“Everyone tucks beneath the horizen eventually. It gives the stars a chance to show off.”
“What do you mean, buddy?”
I gave her a lick on the cheek, “It means that when I’m gone there will be more to come. And those are the things that you can face without me.”
“I helped you fight the battles you couldn’t fight on your own. Now you can fight those battles without me.”
I shifted my gaze to the sunset once again. Golden sprinkles and pink frosting. Sweet orange highlights.
One last sunset.