Write a romantic scene from the perspective of a bystander who has no idea of the character's backstory.


'finally, peace and quiet,' i think to myself as i'd made my way to the lookout point over the city. the sounds of that place were distant now, replaced by the echoes and magic of the forest that grew behind. i unbuttoned the top couple buttons of my shirt as i let out a sigh, this was one of the few places i could relax but today i was distracted.

i close my eyes, allowing myself to forget about the frustration of the day and the things i'd said to taylor, the person i hold dearest. but then i hear hurried footsteps. my eyes open quickly, to reveal a couple of teenaged girls, one chasing the other who appeared to be close to tears. i didn't want to leave just yet, my pride was too big and there was no way i was apologising so i closed my eyes again.

"saffi please just listen!" my eyes opened slightly to see the second girl reaching out with a pale arm to grab the other. i leant against the railing behind me as i watched the scene.

"what i said was wrong, and stupid." the pale girl sniffed, now also beginning to cry, "if you can't forgive me...i understand, but please just know i'm sorry and i'll do anything to make it up to you!" she tried to smile reassuringly. 'saffi' looked at her with big eyes, "no i'm sorry i overreacted." she looked away as a long strand of brown hair fell over her face, hiding it for a second before she brushed it away to face the pale girl again, "but yes, what you said was wrong." saffi replied after a moment of hesitation, "i was scared you hated me,"

"don't be stupid!" the pale girl almost shouted, before looking around embarrassed. i looked at my phone, pretending that i hadn't been watching them. the pale girl smiled as the brunet lay her head on the others shoulder.

"of course i forgive you!" saffi smiled, and pulled the other into a hug.

i was watching again, amazed by how these two, although being so much younger, were able to make up so effortlessly. i thought back to what i'd said to taylor and how i hadn't even considered apologising before running out of the door. i'd taken my bad day out on her. glancing back up at the girls for the last time, i realised it was time to head back home.

i owe someone an apology.


i have never written romance before, i have no idea what this is lmao

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