What would happen if the character gave up their desires to leave and escape?
Consider the potential consequences of surrender.
That's I'm So Tired of.
I'm tired, tired of life, tired of waiting, tired of this. But I don't know what this is. I want explanations but have no one to ask. I want to die but can't. I feel like I'm trapped but there are no borders around how far I can wander. I want to speak but there is force against it I can't power over. What is this? I want to leave. Let me leave. Let me out. I'm tired of this. I want to get out of this maze. I can't die. I can't escape. And I won't wander forever. I will get my will back. I will exit.
Or I could give up. I could give up. Will that end my suffering? Will I have pain if there's nothing to want. If I just wait. What I've been so sick of. Yet I feel as though this went through me before. I feel memories. I feel happy. I have nothing. But I remember. I remember feelings. I remember life. What I was wandering wasn't life. It wasn't death. It was the infinity between them. I was lost. I am lost. But I remember. I've been walking these roads so long I forgot how to live. While my surroundings turned to white. The road disappeared and I stopped feeling. Yet somehow pain stayed. I can't die because I'm not alive. I surrender. I stop walking. I wait for the memories to go back to their spots on the road. I don't know why. I see more. I see yesterday. I see last week. Yet no time is passed. How. I sit. And look. Through memories. Through pain. I feel alive. And I don't want to die. It comes back. I feel pain. I close my eyes for a moment. Everything is back. The same white empty space. That I'm so tired of.